Using Makeup To Accentuate Our Narrative
For our Music Video we decided to use very little makeup in the production, however two scenes did require it. The reason we chose not to use the stereotypical black eyeliner make up was because our genre is Indie Rock as opposed to Punk Rock where you might see this type of makeup used more frequently. The makeup that we did use was instead used to convey our narrative more clearly, in that one of the characters is beaten up and a visual way to convey that is through black eyes, plasters and face cuts - all of which we applied to our actor ('we' being my girlfriend!).
This side profile shows the lacerations on the side of his face and the general discolouration of the rest of the facial features, especially beneath the right eye.
The argument scene of our video didn't show this makeup in proficient detail, so we instead decided to film a quick scene of Jordan opening the door to reveal Jack's face. This accentuated the makeup a lot more and showed us that it was a good idea to apply it. That scene is below.
Here is a timelapse of the application of the makeup to Jack, our actor. We decided to go with purpling around the eyes and over the bridge of the nose, the latter of which we placed a plaster over. We decided that black eyes and a broken nose are the most stereotypical injuries that are afflicted during a fight. Once this was done we decided that the rest of the face did not look 'damaged', which contradicted our idea, so we decided to add some facial lacerations to fill more of the face with injury as opposed to having abnormal bruising in only certain areas. Here are some more close-up shots of the makeup after it was applied.
This side profile shows the lacerations on the side of his face and the general discolouration of the rest of the facial features, especially beneath the right eye.
This front profile shows the black eye in more detail along with the plaster over the nose, and the injury underneath which is leaking through, and finally some bruising below the left hand side of his mouth.
The argument scene of our video didn't show this makeup in proficient detail, so we instead decided to film a quick scene of Jordan opening the door to reveal Jack's face. This accentuated the makeup a lot more and showed us that it was a good idea to apply it. That scene is below.
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