Production Diary Nine - 25/11/2017

We have now started editing, which is providing a large challenge to each member of our group. Some of the things we wanted to get out of the way first were the new editing techniques we are using. One such effect is the smooth zoom, used when Jordan and Jack are on the woodland path. The way we have learnt to do this is to apply a warp stabilizer and a zoom effect; reflecting the image so that it looks blurred as each clip cuts to the next one (as we are not actually zooming out, it is three separate clips).

Another effect we have used is the quick pan, which utilises the same ideas of reflecting the image to act as a blur, but with this one we are speeding up the motion of the camera to make it look like it is ‘whipping’ to the right.

Something else we want to focus work on is colour correction. Adobe Premiere has a built in suite for this so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem to do; however we do need to watch the videos we have found previously to learn exactly how to colour correct for our desired effect.


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